Johnny Tipler - August 27 2020

Yep, it’s raining cats and dogs, and it’s caught you paddle-boarding – or maybe touring in a sportscar, riding your horse through the surf, kayaking on a lake – whatever, and the last thing you need is wet kit. Clothes, phone, laptop, wallet, passport? No problem keeping your stuff out of trouble with a Dry Bag.
Why choose a Dry Bag? No question, DryBags are the most versatile holdalls on the market, in terms of sizes and capacities, and their crowning glory is that they exclude adverse elements such as water and dust.
You can get them in various sizes, from 20-litre sports bags to 130-litre monsters - handy for taking cushions and duvets Glamping. Plus, they’re waterproof, wipe clean, and the smaller, 20- and 40-Litre DryBags are compact enough to serve as carry-on luggage on a plane. They have many different applications: as a rucksack when hiking or rambling; attach by cable and tow behind your paddle-board or kayak; bungee strap on the boot-rack of your sportscar, or the fuel tank of your motorcycle; stash in the bow of you canoe, or up on the roof-rack of your SUV; as saddle-bags on your horse or pony. From aquatic pursuit to wilderness exploration and desert adventure, drizzle or full immersion, blizzard or dust storm, there’s no outdoor activity where DryBags won’t do the business. Even something as mundane as waiting for a bus or train, you’ll be glad of your bag in a shower.
You’re set to go on safari in the Sahara. And that means there’s a fair chance of getting caught in a sand storm. And that means you, your clothes and kit are all going to get infiltrated by dust. Jammed equipment and chafing sores? Not necessarily. You can at least protect your kit from this infiltration, though, by stashing it in a DryBag. Zipped up, nothing can reach your belongings. Safe and sound till you reach your bivouac.
Desert fever? Wandering palms? Sandstorm… just a few of the unpredictable hazards you might encounter on safari. But. One angle you can rely on is your dry bag; nothing can touch your kit when it’s stashed away in your waterproof bag.