Tow float, dry bag or both?

It isn’t uncommon to meet other outdoor swimmers beside the road, in laybys or car parks adjacent to rivers, lakes and seas. A car is an excellent place to stow away your belongings with peace of mind that they will be dry on your return and where you left them. However, increasingly swimmers want to walk or cycle to their swim spot and if they do drive, where do you put your car keys?

Unlike a traditional dry bag, a floating tow bag will create less drag and disturbance to a swim. They are designed to carry kit which is useful for swimmers who want to swim from A to B or are not comfortable leaving kit behind on a beach, riverbank or lakeside. Much like a traditional tow float, once filled there is a compartment that is inflated and is attached to a swimmer using a waist band and leash. It will then float behind and the dry bag compartment keeps your kit and valuables safe and dry.

There are a range of styles and sizes on the market. If you simply want somewhere safe for a car key, the Swim Secure bum bag is a secure dry bag that is attached at the waist and sits against the body, often best placed in dip of the lower back. Equally the Swim Secure doughnut float offers a small fold down pocket in an oval shaped inflatable which is good for essentials like keys, phone, drinks bottle and medicine. Because of its limited capacity this sits higher in the water and doesn’t drag as much as larger designs.
Bigger bags have their advantages, offering 30-50 litres of space to store your kit. These are brilliant for adventurous swims. Especially useful if you are getting to your swim by your own steam or if you want to exit at a different spot to where you got in. They enable you to pack the clothes and shoes you’re wearing into the bag with a towel, meaning you can swim to another location knowing you have everything you need with you.